Consultancy / Electrical Studies

Electromechanical Stability Study

Electromechanical Stability Study

The electromechanical transient stability study is the study and analysis of a system`s response to disturbances such as loss of generation, line switching operations, faults and sudden load changes in the first few seconds after a disturbance. After the perturbation, the synchronous machine frequency experiences a transient deviation from the synchronous frequency. The purpose of the transient stability study is to determine whether the machine will return to synchronous frequency after a disturbance. PWM Automation and Electrical Systems Protection develops transient stability studies and analysis of power systems.

The ability of the power system to return to normal or stable conditions after a disturbance is called stability. System disturbances can be of various types, such as sudden load changes, short circuit between line and ground, failure in load islanding, switching, etc.