Consultancy / Electrical Studies

Electric Power Quality Study

Electric Power Quality Study

Poor electrical power quality in the form of harmonic distortion, low power factor and high electromagnetic interference can contribute to a high safety risk and low energy efficiency of the electrical system. In addition, it increases electrical stress by reducing the life expectancy of electrical equipment. In addition to system degradation, poor power quality can cause nuisance trips and unplanned shutdowns of protections.

PWM Automation and Systems Protection provides analysis and assessment of power quality problems, involving:

Disturbances in Electrical Energy

• Investigation of electrical protection actuation events;

• Investigation of high frequency disturbances;

• Characterization and control of conducted electromagnetic interference;

• Characterization and control of radiated electromagnetic interference;

• Characterization and protection against Electrostatic Discharges (ESD);

• Analysis of Electromagnetic Disturbances (EM);

• Voltage unbalance analysis;

• Undervoltage and overvoltage analysis;

• Analysis of occurrences of momentary voltage interruptions;

• Stress Notching Analysis;

• Analysis of waveform distortions;

• Scintillation analysis (flicker);

• Unbalanced network analysis;

• Neutral loss analysis;

• Analysis of Brownout and Blackout events;

• Characterization of high frequency (HF) disturbances by induction;

• Characterization of low frequency (LF) magnetic fields.

Solutions for Energy Disturbances:

• Dimensioning of electromagnetic shielding;

• Dimensioning of transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSS);

• Dimensioning of harmonic distortion filters;

• Dimensioning of conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters;

• Dimensioning of isolation transformers;

• Dimensioning and parameterization of voltage regulators;

• Line reactor application study in variable frequency attenuation;

• Dimensioning of Uninterrupted Power Systems (UPS);

• Sizing of lightning rods;

• Dimensioning of power conditioners.