Consultancy / Electrical Studies

Power Flow Study

Power Flow Study

PWM Automation and Systems Protection offers its customers a variety of analysis methods for operational optimization and guaranteeing the safety of the electrical system through the study of power flow, adopting, for example, the Newton-Raphson CA technique (balanced and unbalanced) and the DC linear analysis method.

In the study of power flow or load flow we deliver the following services:

• Balanced and unbalanced load flow for AC and DC coupled networks;

• Load flow analysis of DC mesh interconnects;

• Load analysis of transformers and line reactors;

• Contingency analysis;

• Stress Sensitivity Analysis;

• Voltage safety analysis.

• Reactive Generation Limit Analysis (QLIM);

• Voltage Limit Analysis (VLIM);

• Remote Bus Stress Analysis (CREM);

• Determination of Transformer TAP Adjustment (CTAP);

• Study of Shunt Automatic Switching (CSCA);

• Area Interchange Analysis (CINT);

• Automatic Shift Control Analysis (CPHS);

• Prioritization of Controls (CPRI);

• Determination of Emergency Limits (EMRG);

• Determination of Equipment Limits (EQPM);

• Determination of Voltage Corrected Flux (FCT);

• Loss Distribution Analysis (DPER);

• Discrete TAP Solution (TAPD);

• Inverted Sensitivity Assessment (AVSI);

• QV Curve Plot (PVQV);

• Flow Plotting (PLTF);

• Plotting of Transformers TAP (PLTT);

• Remote Control Generator Voltage Adjustments (ATCR);

• Determination of Optimal Pitch Control (STPO);

• Remote Control Limits Check (VLCR).