Engineering / Supervisory Systems for Electric Power Systems

Supervisory Systems for Substations

Supervisory Systems for Substations

PWM develops supervisory, control and management systems for electrical systems for use by electricity generation, transmission and distribution projects, in addition to implementing the SAGE system with the National Electric System Operator (ONS).

We provide solutions for the acquisition, storage and analysis, in real time, of all the information necessary for the operation of an electrical system, whether from a local, regional or national center.

We implement acquisition, event handling and alarm processing functions and electrical system data distribution (SCADA). Providing multiple standardized protocols for acquisition and distribution.

We work with several SCADA/EMS (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition/Energy Management System) systems, meeting the strictest requirements of operation centers, ensuring high performance through a sophisticated scheme for distributing tasks between servers.

Ensuring reliability by redundant servers for critical functions, while connectivity is achieved by a large and growing library of protocols.